
Case Load22-2321-2220-2119-2018-19
Total Number of Cases17712983167325882588
Administrative Hearings (NUin, OSCCR, OSCCR AI, Res Life)10911668120611991741
Admitted Responsibility Meetings21159
Student Conduct Boards111072220
Medical Amnesty3453235267
Academic Integrity Info Only220158210289223
Noise Only - Email only618839180359
Title IX Board11042224
OSCCR SGBH Board1012
Info Only (NUin Info Only, OSCCR Info Only, RL Info Only)1942531437866
COVID-19 Cases2583

Inactive Sanctions
Written Warning227444285267552
Disciplinary Probation499657566559618
Deferred Suspension257379144188
Active Sanctions22-2321-2220-2119-2018-19
Written Assignments492727664589707
Mandated Service5673613666
Counseling Evaluations51361610
OPEN - Alcohol & Other Drug Education186217194256340
Disruptive Gathering Host Seminar10000
Disciplinary Fines92149119211259
Cancellation of Residence Hall Agreement01121

Charge (23-24)Accepted ResponsibilityResponsibleTotal
Academic Integrity10184237
Alcohol - Devices For Heavy Consumption10022
Alcohol - Possession of Empties13648
Alcohol - Possession or Consumption4643331
Alcohol - Provide to Minors2110
Alcohol - Unauthorized Quantity005
Alcohol - Underage Presence2640167
Bias-Related Incidents007
Dangerous Weapons307
Disorderly Conduct3027160
Disruptive Gatherings202098
Violation of Drug Policies
Drugs - Company029
Drugs - Paraphernalia10231
Drugs - Possession or Consumption131098
Drugs - Providing or Sharing101
Drugs - Sale, Distribution, or Manufacture001
Endangering Behavior1113110
Excessive Consumption6634
Failure to Comply - Directions1856234
Failure to Comply - Sanctions011
Fire Safety - Failure to Vacate0217
Fire Safety - Setting a Fire, Causing False Alarm, Reckless Conduct4017
Fire Safety - Tampering027
Inappropriate Identification - False ID15422
Inappropriate Identification - Impersonating a University Official101
Inappropriate Identification - Manufacture012
Inappropriate Identification - Representing Self226
Misrepresentation of information2510
Misuse of Electronic Resources102
Physical Abuse0011
Theft: Attempt5414
Theft: Taking Property9937
Unauthorized Access151153
Unauthorized Use of University Identification Marks055
University Guest Policy7555
Violation of A Guide to Residence Hall Living5855319
Violation of Center for Student Involvement Guidelines2017
Violation of Law001
Violation of Professional Conduct in Degree Program134
Violation of The Bound Program Supplemental Guide121539
N.U.In/NU Bound and Host Institution Guest Policy202 Bound Unauthorized Access203 Bound Violation of Host Institution Policy28050
Violation of University Policies31052
Sexual Assault: Non-Consensual Sexual Contact (SGBH)002
Sexual Assault: Non-Consensual Sexual Intercourse (SGBH)001
Domestic Violence (TIX)002
Retaliation (TIX)001
Sexual Harassment (TIX)002
Discriminatory Harassment (Equal Oppotunity)002

The numbers listed under “Standards of Conduct” represent the number of disciplinary charges. They do not necessarily represent the number of students, since a student could be charged with multiple violations.

These numbers are approximations and do not represent final counts for the academic year. These numbers are for informational purposes.

Blank sections indicate that those statistics were not reported during the indicated reporting period.

Contact Us

Office Hours

Monday: 8:30-5:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:30-5:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:30-5:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30-5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:30-5:00 p.m.

***After hours available by appointment***



204 Ell Hall

*Under renovation beginning 5/3/24*

Microsoft Teams or Zoom appointments available

Incident Report Quick Links

How to Report an Incident

Report an Incident to OSCCR

Academic Integrity Report Form

Have you or someone you know been affected by Sexual Violence? Click Here for resources and information.

To report a bias related incident, please review Northeastern University’s Bias Incident Report Protocol.